Covid-19 precautions at IBC
Islington Boat Club want to reassure club members and users that we are following the government guidelines and protocols with regard to Covid-19.
Please read the notice on the right >
We are requesting that all visitors to the site wash their hands at the first opportunity, and wash them regularly during the day, also when leaving the site.
Information posters are being displayed throughout the club on the correct way to effectively wash your hands and use sanitising gel.
We will continue to check the government website for updates. Please find links below for the government guidance website and NHS health advice.
Club activities will continue with the exception of the
Uppedeckers club on Tuesdays which has been cancelled until next term.
Further updates will be added via Facebook and Twitter, links below.
Islington Boat Club Notice -
Updated 12/03/2020
Coronavirus Precautions
Coronavirus (Covid-19) is highly contagious
Following recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization, we are taking precautions to protect Club members, employees and visitors.
Therefore, we require that if you have travelled to any of the following locations:
China, South Korea, Italy, Japan or Iran
within the last 14 days, or
have recently come into contact with anyone who has,
or if you have developed a fever or any respiratory or flu-like symptoms,
that you do not enter the Club.
We recommend you:
Seek advice from NHS 111.
If you work for the Club and are feeling unwell please inform Jan, the Office Manager.
Many thanks for your understanding.